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Full Moon Beach Circle and The Lionsgate Portal.

Our Third Full Moon Beach Circle is this Saturday, August 5th, starting at 5:30pm with a Picnic, then formally at 6:30pm for gathering, meditation and drummers jam and dancing. We will gather on the sands of Robert Moses Field 5. Goddess Luna invites you to join in and bring your loved ones with you to experience the magic of gathering in community and celebrating life. Circle is also open for man and children.

Our 2017 Beach Circle series have been absolutely enchanting, attracting the free spirited and the nature lovers to experience the power of getting together to witness beauty, community and freedom of expression.

This Circle celebrates the Full Moon a little earlier, as the actual Full Moon is on Monday, the 7th, on the sign of Aquarius, and prepares you to take advantage of the powerful energetic upgrades coming with the Lionsgate Portal. We are all going to be called on to let go, heal and release so we can receive the new.

Every year the Sun, Earth and Sirius move to specific points in the sky activating the Lionsgate Portal. The Lionsgate Portal opens from July 26 to August 12, however it is at its most powerful on August 8. It is on this day that we can receive the full abundance of the magical and powerful energy that is on offer. For the Lionsgate Portal to be activated, the Sun has to align with the star, Sirius which is bigger and brighter than our own Sun. Sirius is known as the Spiritual Sun, and is believed to hold knowledge and wisdom from higher Divine realms. When the Sun and Sirius meet during this period, their energies intensify and Earth is able to receive “light energy” from both of these celestial bodies. The Sun, being in the constellation of Leo which is symbolised by the Lion, is why this star portal is referred to as Lionsgate. So, what does all of this mean for you? Here is the message for this year’s Lionsgate - You must find enjoyment through simply being human.

A partial lunar eclipse falls just one day before the Lionsgate portal on August 7th in the sign of Aquarius. A part of the moon will darken as it moves through the Earth's shadow. Visibility throughout most of eastern Africa, central Asia and Australia is possible. In order to receive the highest energy upgrades from the August 2017 Lionsgate portal, it is important to remain clear and open to releasing and letting go of all that no longer serves you. This circle will help you do just that.

First, we are gathering on the Beach at 5:30pm for a Picnic, mingle and enjoying the beloved Robert Moses beach sands and water. Bring your own goodies to eat, drink and be merry. Bathe in the ocean. Enjoy the sun!

At 6:30pm, we formally circle to celebrate our human experience. Goddess Luna will guide through a grounding meditation to connect with you with your senses. We bring down the moon in meditation, and perform a small Letting Go Ritual to remove the energetic “pollution” from our bodies, in preparation for the Lionsgate portal energy. The portal represent a greater opportunity for healing and cleansing, as long as we allow this energy to filter in. Then we open circle to celebrate ourselves, in community, with drumming, dancing and just being free and happy.

Please bring your hand drum to jam with us. Make our celebration alive!

Enjoy some images from our last Gathering. To meet us, go to Field 5, make a left at the booth and go towards the end of the parking lot (towards the Lighthouse). Find me on the beach waving a pink Feather!

Much love!

Goddess Luna.

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