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Full Moon Astrology May 2017

With spring in full bloom May's Full Moon is commonly known as the Full Flower or Big Leaf Moon. The Arapaho Indians referred to this Full Moon as "when the ponies shed their shaggy hair". This is also the Wesak Moon festival where tradition believes that the Buddha comes to help the enlightenment of humankind. This new transmission of energy is best assimilated through meditation.

The Full Moon is May 10 at 5:44 pm. The Sun will be at 21 degrees Taurus and the Moon will be at 21 degrees of Scorpio. Taurus helps you manifest your needs and desires in the mundane world, and Scorpio helps you go below the surface to tap into deeper emotions and profound understanding. The Moon is in harmonious aspect to Pluto and Neptune; giving us the gift to stretch emotionally and practically beyond our present limitations. There may be a profound inner struggle now to stay on a path that makes sense and to control our passions. Focus on our higher values to be able to live out our Truth, which we may all too easily speak. Now that Mercury is Direct, we can exercise some mental discipline in our task of implementing a vast array of new insights gathered over the last five weeks.

The Spiritual Destiny points call Nodes of the Moon are shifting into Leo/Aquarius. It's time to have Fun and Socialize. Bring more joy into your journey, use your creativity and innovation.

ASTROLOGY is Barbara Furlani's first love and passion. Working with the Celestial Energies can greatly improve the outcome. She has spoken in many venues on various aspects of astrology and is available for private readings which can include relationships, career and relocation. Contact her for a private astrology chart reading at Mention Goddesshood to get 20% off.

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