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Goddesshood Astrology January Cancer Full Moon with Barbara Furlani

Astrology can point out expansive, rewarding trends that are coming up and assist you in figuring out how to take advantage of them before they fade.

Aspects of Astrology are based on the geometric locations of the planets, which create angles (of light energy), i.e. squares, (90° away from each other); Trines, (120° degrees); Oppositions (180º). How those energies or angles of light react to each other, determines how they act upon you, and how you react to them. It is wise to recognize them, as they occur in spite of anyone who may be without knowledge of them.

You may choose to ignore them, however they don’t ignore you. All of the universe is tied together mathematically, and is mathematically perfect and all inclusive.

The January Cancer Full Moon is part of a Grand Cardinal Cross in Cancer (Moon), Capricorn (Sun), Libra (Jupiter) and Aries (Uranus). Cardinal quality equals action and change. A Grand Cross has high energy and tension. We are encouraged (even forced) to put our ideas into motion. The Grand Cross pulls apart in four directions and then brings together in a more fully integrated way. When something is placed under high energy and tension its strength is tested and we are able to see what needs to be fixed, changed or updated. Be flexible in the big changing process going on within or in the environment.

The more subtle energy to help us is Venus and Neptune align in Pisces, supporting us with a softer, gentler, sweet and Spiritual approach with the Grand Cross. Please connect with your intuition so that the actions you take are aligned with the Highest Good for everyone. This allows us to reflect on the actions the Grand Cross is stimulating, are the of value in our life and do they speak to our soul.

ASTROLOGY is Barbara Furlani’s first love and passion. Working with the Celestial Energies for 30 + years, she knows how flowing with the energies can greatly improve the outcome. She has spoken in many venues on various aspects of astrology. Allow the planets to help you make the best of your reality.

This event is hosted by Luna from Goddesshood and Raquel Vamos at Lila Yoga Shala.

Join us for an interactive conversation and presentation.

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